
Hack Check: Does Shaving Foam Really Remove Makeup Stains? Here's What We Found

If you are among those who keep finding make-up where it doesn’t really belong — like on your clothes or as a brown border around your collar — the online world of TikTok and Instagram are full of life hacks.

There is a treasure trove of simple tricks for almost any problem. Most only require a few steps and also promise to be affordable.
One such hack suggests using shaving foam to remove accidental stains from applying mascara, lipstick and foundation.
But we know that the internet doesn’t always tell the truth. That’s why we tested the shaving foam tip in our hack check. Does it deliver what it promises — or is it a flop?

We tried out the straightforward process:
1. Apply the foam to the stain, massage it in gently and let it sit for around 10 minutes. Then carefully work the stain with a clean cloth or brush and rinse the garment with cold water.
2. Repeat if necessary — until the make-up stain is completely removed.
And the verdict? It works! In our hack check, the stain entirely disappeared. The shaving foam hack works particularly well for clothing made of cotton or polyester.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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