
Decks cleared for rooftop solar plants in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Com­mission makes way for rooftop solar plants.

Chennai: The TN Electricity Regulatory Com­mission has issued its order on ‘net metering’ with regard to the state’s solar energy policy 2012, paving the way for the installation of grid connected rooftop solar photo voltaic (SPV) plants. However, the pending court cases could prevent the enforcement of the order.
The commission’s order came in the wake of the state government issuing guidelines for availing its subsidy of Rs 20,000 for one-kilowatt rooftop SPV plants. Domestic consumers who want rooftop solar SPV plants could either opt for capital subsidy or generation-based incentive (GBI).
The commission, in its order on Wednesday for LT connectivity and net metering, said that both the existing and new solar rooftop and solar systems, which comply with this order, are eligible for net metering.
“Two meters have to be installed by the solar power generator, one for measuring solar power generation (SPG) and the other for import-export measurement, the order said. Inte­re­stingly, the order has made the installation of the SPG meter optional for those not availing of the GBI.
The second meter is a bi-directional one, which would replace the existing consumer meter.
To ensure grid stability, the TNERC has fixed a cap on grid penetration for the PV system. The order said that any bat­tery backup must be restricted to the consumer’s network and battery po­wer had to be prevented from ext­ending to grid in case of power failure.
( Source : dc )
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