
TEDA launches Chief Minister's Solar scheme

TEDA launches Chief Minister’s Solar Rooftop Capital Incentive scheme.

Chennai: Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) has launched Chief Minister’s Solar Rooftop Capital Incentive scheme, which offers a subsidy of Rs 20,000 for a kilowatt capacity solar plant.
With the launch of the scheme, the domestic power consumer could apply for installing a grid-connected rooftop solar photovoltaic plant through the TEDA’s website: or mailing the application by post to its office in Chennai.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission issued its order on November 13 on ‘net metering’ and ‘LT connectivity’. While a one kW solar system without battery costs Rs1 lakh, the consumer will have to invest only Rs 50,000 and the rest will be borne by the Centre subsidy of Rs 30,000 and state’s Rs 20,000.
The consumers power troubles too could be over as a solar system of one kW capacity can generate approximately 1,600 units a year. It works out to a saving of Rs 9,200 per year at a tariff of Rs 5.75 per kWhr. A senior official of energy department said that the subsidy will be given only to domestic consumers under ‘LT-1A’ category on ‘first come first served’ basis for the grid-connected and battery-less solar systems.
The consumer should purchase the system from the vendors enlisted by TEDA, the official said, adding that the consumer should also bear the cost of bi-directional meter, which will replace the existing consumer meter.
( Source : dc )
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