
Solar units in vogue

Power policy change prompts many to opt for alternative solar power.

Visakhapatnam: The state government’s sops to single phase users, under the net metering scheme, is attracting more people take to solar power units.
Net metering is a power policy that allows solar energy consumers to supply surplus power to the grid, which is now gaining popularity.
The EPDCL has introduced net metering in the city as an attempt to encourage solar power production in the state. But, then the government had announced benefits only to three phase users and not may were attracted to the move.
Subsequently, the government altered the policy and annouced subsidy to single phase users as well. They can avail the subsidy by installing solar photo voltaic units of up to 3 KW capacity on the roofs. Further, the discom has decided to bear 50 per cent of expenditure of the systems that are installed before March 31.
“We are receiving good response after applying the policy to single phase users,” said a senior discom official. He said the state had agreed to provide 20 per cent subsidy for installation of roof top system of up to 3 KW capacity in domestic sector, vide GO. MS nos 22 & 27, in addition to 30 per cent central subsidy.
The EPDCL had also designed a project for 194 tribal hamlets for the benefit of tribals. Panels with power generation capacity of 210 KW will be installed in each tribal hamlet, identified under the project, depending on the requirement, an official said.
The project is expected to take off next month and it would continue to be in force till December next year.
( Source : dc )
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