Narendra Modi's journey in verse now in English
"A Journey: Poems by Narendra Modi" is translated from Gujarati by Ravi Mantha

New Delhi: Sixty-seven poems by Narendra Modi on subjects as diverse as patriotism, love, nature, friendship and progress will be published in English but in none of them does the BJP's prime ministerial candidate speak about politics or his family.
"A Journey: Poems by Narendra Modi" is translated from Gujarati by author Ravi Mantha.
In the book's foreword, Modi writes that his poems are "screams of thoughts" that he has "witnessed, experienced and sometimes imagined".
"I don't consider my poetry to be extraordinary literary creation. These are screams of thoughts, like a spring of fresh water. Of things I have witnessed, experienced and sometimes imagined," he says.
According to Mantha, Modi has touched subjects like patriotism, love, longing, love of nature, friendship and progress in his poems. "None of the poems is related to politics or speaks of politics," Mantha told PTI.
Modi also hasn't talked about his family in any of his poems but about his friends and companions.
Mantha found a poem about Modi's friend Ramesh Parekh, who passed away some years ago, as most touching. "It is about his deep sense of loss at losing a friend," he says.
The book published by Rupa will hit bookstores around April 20.