It’s important for fans to follow only verified accounts of actors: Rithvik Dhanjani
The actor talks about a fan lured by strangers pretending to be him online

Mumbai: Television actor Rithvik Dhanjani, who has gained immense popularity for his role in Pavitra Rishta and for winning the latest season of Nach Baliye, will be seen in an episode of MTV Webbed, Season 2.
“I appear in the show as myself, and although this is not inspired by any particular incident, it is my way of sending out a message to my fans to be extremely careful while surfing online,” says Rithvik.
In this particular episode, the storyline has Rithvik gearing up for a concert meant only for his viewers and a female fan of his, who tries her best to make it to the show, is lured by strangers pretending to be the star. Ironically, in the show, the actor does not come to know of her plight and the episode ends on that morbid note.
“It’s important for fans to follow only verified accounts of actors. For instance, I am not on Facebook, but I know that many people are running accounts on my name, claiming to be me. Young girls end up liking such dubious pages and get swayed by the activities that happen there,” he adds.
Rithvik had immediately agreed to be a part of the show after hearing the episode brief from Vikas Gupta, the channel head of MTV.
“Vikas is a friend, and while discussing the viscous place that the Internet has now turned out to be, I realised this was the best way to express my concern. And even when I interact or meet my fans during events, I let them know of my actual Twitter handle so that they are not taken advantage of by anybody online, pretending to be me.”
( Source : deccan chronicle )
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