Earth Day special: 10 stunning shots from space
- Fields near the city of Perdizes, in the Minas Gerais state of Brazil. Photo courtesy: NASA
- The fight for a clean environment continues in a climate of increasing urgency, as the ravages of climate change become more manifest every day. Discover energy you didn’t even know you had and channel it into building a clean, healthy, diverse
- As 1990 approached, Earth Day went global, mobilizing 200 million people in 141 countries and lifting environmental issues onto the world stage. Earth Day 1990 gave a huge boost to recycling efforts worldwide and helped pave the way for the 1992
- Earth Day 1970 achieved a rare political alignment, enlisting support from Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, city slickers and farmers, tycoons and labor leaders. The first Earth Day led to the creation of the United States Environmental
- Thousands of colleges and universities organized protests against the deterioration of the environment. Groups that had been fighting against oil spills, polluting factories and power plants, raw sewage, toxic dumps, pesticides, freeways, the loss
- Inspired by the student anti-war movement, he realized that if he could infuse that energy with an emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution, it would force environmental protection onto the national political agenda. As a result,
- Each year, Earth Day April 22 marks the birth of the environmental movement in 1970. Earth Day 1970 capitalized on the emerging consciousness, channeling the energy of the anti-war protest movement and putting environmental concerns front and center
- The Tungurahua volcano spews a column of ash as seen from Ambato, Ecuador, on Friday. The volcano spewed a 6-mile (10-kilometer) column of ash after a powerful five-minute explosion that shot pyroclastic material onto its northern and northwestern
- In the Simpson Desert of central Australia, a fire is revealed by the vivid orange scars of plant-free sand.
- During a geomagnetic storm, a neon green ribbon of aurora australis danced over Earth in this photograph taken by an astronaut on the International Space Station.
- Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas, photograph taken from the International Space Station.
- The city of São Paulo, Brazil, home to 17 million people, stands out like a beacon in the night. The variations in color are due to the city using different types of streetlights, according to NASA.
- A "bubble" of steam surrounds volcanic ash rising from Sarychev Volcano, on the northwestern end of Matua Island. Matua is part of the Kuril Islands, a Russian archipelago that stretches from Hokkaido, Japan, to Kamchatka, Russia
- Sapphire waters tinged with pink sediment seem to get tangled amid emerald vegetation in a satellite picture of Bombetoka Bay, on the northwestern coast of Madagascar.
- In Eastern Algeria's stretch of the Sahara, the Tifernine Dune Field—a section of the Grand Erg Oriental dune sea meets the Tinrhert Plateau.
- Tidal flats and channels on the western side of the Bahamas' Long Island.
Fields near the city of Perdizes, in the Minas Gerais state of Brazil. Photo courtesy: NASA
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