I lost my virginity when I was 12: Ranveer Singh
Ranveer Singh tells us about his sexuality, getting nude on-screen and more

While the film industry, especially the mainstream members, continue to play it safe when it comes to all things sex, trust the no-holds barred, totally uninhibited Ranveer Singh to say it like it is. The Kill Dil star, who created much noise with his free-spirited dancing in a recent condom ad, doesn’t hesitate to share his sexual experiences with his fans.
“I think I was around 12 when I did it. I started everything early, everything! I was way ahead — so much so, that in school all the mothers used to say he (Ranveer) is that rotten apple that’s spoiling all our kids. I used to hold sermons with all the boys surrounding me and I used to teach them. They hadn’t heard of it and I became the expert because I had started very early,” he says with a laugh. The actor even claims that he can write a thesis on the subject. “I got into a lot of trouble but yes I had that keeda or maybe I was the keeda,” he says with a chuckle.
Ranveer confesses that it was only curiosity that led to sex at such a young age. He strongly feels about promoting condoms as a product in a way it was not being showcased all these years. “When I am in a car, I see these hoardings go by. I thought to myself, somebody is selling this, somebody is selling that, why isn’t anybody selling condoms? Then I realised that the only ads we have for condoms are very provocative in nature. That shouldn’t be the only prevailing definition of sex. As a society, we have evolved; our attitude towards the subject has changed. So we can have open and healthy conversations about this. Somebody needs to point that out or else people will keep treating it as taboo.”
Not many mainstream actors have associated themselves with condom ads and Ranveer felt this was what was needed. “I had this idea and I called my people and asked them to contact Durex. I knew it was a huge risk. I thought I am either going to get two thumbs up or a tight slap. But it became a hit,” he says.
Recently, after Ranveer got featured in a popular magazine as the “wild-one”, his female fan following doubled. But he says there are other things in an actor than just being the “wild-one”. “It’s great that they think I am the wild one but that’s not the only thing I am,” he says.
After his heart-throbbing act in Ram-Leela, Ranveer’s popularity soared through the roof. The actor admits to loving every bit of the female attention that keeps coming his way. “I find it very cool when girls hit on me because for the longest time I was a fat kid. I became sexy at a later stage.” The actor has no qualms doing a full monty on screen. If the PK poster seemed a bit much for the audience, Ranveer says he wouldn’t mind dropping the transistor too. “He (Aamir) didn’t really show, I don’t mind getting fully nude on screen. I am very comfortable in my skin,” he says.
Ranveer hopes his attempt to break free of conventions in terms of films and endorsements works. He doesn’t want any tag assigned to him. “People should recognise me as the wholesome panel, an infinite personality.”
Meanwhile if you haven't seen the famous Durex ad then here it is: