Tirupati Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha salvages Andhra Pradesh’s pride
UGC has already committed about Rs 8 crore

The Tirupati's Rashtr-iya Sanskrit Vidyap-eetha (RSV) has salvaged AP's pride in education. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha logo (Photo: Official website).
Visakhapatnam: The Tirupati’s Rashtr-iya Sanskrit Vidyap-eetha (RSV) has salvaged AP’s pride in education.
It is the only university in the UGC list of “Centres with Potential Excellence in Particular Areas” (CPEPA), and has been recognised as an important centre for study of traditional shastras.
Because of being recognised under CPEPA, the UGC has already committed about Rs 8 crore.
For the same reason, the university has also the right to claim up to Rs 50 crore for their research projects after clearance by the UGC.
( Source : dc correspondent )
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