Meet the woman who has 'awesome sex life' with her '2-foot-8-inch' hubby
Stephenson was born with osteogenesis imperfecta

Mindie Kniss has been happily married to Sean Stephenson. (Photo: Barcroft)
New York: A woman from Arizona has recently expressed that his 2-foot-8-inch husband is "one of the most sexual people" she has ever met.
Mindie Kniss, who has been happily married to Sean Stephenson, said that just because he's disabled doesn't mean they don't have an awesome sex life, although it was different than having sex with an averaged-size person but it wasn't a problem at all, the New York Post reported.
The couple, both motivational speakers, met through a mutual friend in 2009 and tied the knot in 2012 after Kniss moved to Chicago to be closer to her tiny beloved.
Stephenson was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, more commonly known as brittle bone disorder.
(Photo: Barcroft USA)
( Source : ANI )
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