Each day we bring you videos from around the Internet to show you how they make stuff

Season 1 features the following:
- Cricket balls
- Cinema cameras
- Mountain bikes
- Lighters
- Airplane black boxes (FDR)
- Holograms
- Adhesive tapes
- Special effects makeup
- Car Engines
- Helicopters
Cricket balls:
Each cricket ball that is used in the game must meet with exact standards and should weigh between 155.9g to 163g only and measure between 224mm and 229mm in circumference. Each ball has a core made from cork made from special tree barks. Each ball is then tightly wrapped in five layers of yarn. Well, the cricket ball goes through a long way from start to finish. So how do they make it?
Also check out ‘A HACK A DAY’, which brings you various tips, tricks and hacks related to technology.
Cinema cameras:
Most movies were made from film cameras which contained a reel of negatives and moved behind the main lens at high speeds of 20 – 30 frames per second. Each film frame is then exposed to the light and captures the very movement. Multiple frames are captured within a single second the process continues. The film is later developed and used in projectors to playback the movie. However, digital cameras are now taking replacing the older cinema cameras because of their compact size and reusable storage, which makes it cheaper to make new age movies. But have you imagined how they must be manufacturing the older cinema cameras? Take a look.
Also check out ‘A HACK A DAY’, which brings you various tips, tricks and hacks related to technology.
Mountain bikes:
Essentially, mountain bikes are the bicycles with a light sturdy frame, broad deep-treaded tyres, and multiple gears. These were originally designed for riding on mountainous terrain or for off-road cycling.
It is quite interesting how these bicycles are manufactured. Watch the video below to find out:
Also check out ‘A HACK A DAY’, which brings you various tips, tricks and hacks related to technology.
A lighter first appeared in the 19th century. Ever wondered how are lighters made?
An electrical machine is used to shape the top and bottom of the lighter. Each piece is placed on a revolving table and hinges are attached on the top of the lighter from the other end of the revolving table. A mechanical arm is then used to make the lighter move on a conveyer system. Lighter cases are then plunged into a series of washing solutions. The mechanical arm also helps to insert a tiny wheel and a gear on the lighter.
Also check out ‘A HACK A DAY’, which brings you various tips, tricks and hacks related to technology.
Airplane black boxes (FDR)
A black box, or flight data recorder, is a crucial part of any aircraft. It records vital data of an aircraft from the time it takes off to the time it lands. It is an electronic recording device placed in an aircraft for the purpose of facilitating the investigation of aviation accidents and incidents. The flight data recorder (FDR) is an electronic device which preserves the recent history of the flight through the recording of dozens of parameters collected several times every second. The cockpit voice recorder (CVR) preserves the recent history of the audio in the cockpit including the conversation of the pilots and others. The two recorders give an accurate testimony, narrating the aircraft's flight history. This helps assist in any later investigation. The FDR and CVR are usually combined into a single, non-destructive unit. The two recorders are required by international regulation, overseen by the International Civil Aviation Organization, to be capable of surviving the conditions likely to be encountered in a severe aircraft accident. For this reason, they are typically specified to withstand an impact of 3400 Gs and temperatures of over 1,000 degrees C as required by EUROCAE ED-112. So how do they make these units? Check it out.
Also check out ‘A HACK A DAY’, which brings you various tips, tricks and hacks related to technology.
A hologram is a photographic recording of a light field. The hologram itself is not an image and it is usually unintelligible when viewed under diffused ambient light. It is an encoding of the light field as an interference pattern of seemingly random variations in the opacity, density, or surface profile of the photographic medium. When suitably lit, the interference pattern diffracts the light into a reproduction of the original light field and the objects that were in it appear to still be there, exhibiting visual depth cues such as parallax and perspective that change realistically with any change in the relative position of the observer. The holograms are used to produce a 3D effect of the picture or design that has been recorded to the holographic surface. Holograms are available in different forms—stickers, wrapping sheets, stamps, security tags, photo frames and more. Check out the video which shows you how holograms are made.
Also check out ‘A HACK A DAY’, which brings you various tips, tricks and hacks related to technology.
Adhesive tapes:
An adhesive tape or sticky tape (commonly known as ‘cello tape’ in India) is a narrow strip of material, typically used to hold or fasten something. It is either made from plastic, rubber, cloth, paper or metal foils. The tape has sticky glue on one side and the other side is transparent, opaque, coloured or textured. Adhesive tapes are made with different materials depending on their usage and requirements. They can be used as office stationary, for craft work, and many other places from carpentry to aircrafts. Check out how these sticky tapes are manufactured.
Also check out ‘A HACK A DAY’, which brings you various tips, tricks and hacks related to technology.
Special effects in a movie makes the character look realistic. This is not only done using computer graphics in movies, but most of the work is done using makeup. The video here demonstrates how makeup artists create the mould of the character’s face and adds colour and other effects to get a realistic look. Some of the work costs up to thousands of dollars and can take months of preparation.
Also check out ‘A HACK A DAY’, which brings you various tips, tricks and hacks related to technology.
Car engines work by internal combustion, which takes place in every engine cylinder. Engine components are housed inside an engine block, which is transferred in a upside down pattern to the assembly panel. A scanner reports the block’s traceability code, which helps in tracking the block in every stage of production. Interestingly robotic arms are used during the process of smoothening the shaft. The computer analyses metal and steel components in the engine. The robotic arm places the shafts inside the engine block. Pistons are also installed inside the engine block.
The engines are tested multiple times to ensure the right combination of components during the final stage of development.
Also check out ‘A HACK A DAY’, which brings you various tips, tricks and hacks related to technology.
Ever wondered how a helicopter is made? Here’s your answer.
Helicopters are basically made out of carbon fibre, a composite material lighter and stronger than steel. It takes 700 hours of work between the drawing stage and the assembling the different parts of a full-fledged helicopter. The green light of the lase helps in positioning the parts of the helicopter.
During the assembling period, the carbon fibre is still soft. You need to harden the carbon fibre particle under 177 degree air pressure in an automated over up to 10 hours. The door of the motor housing is shaped using a mechanical shaper. Metal wires fitted inside the helicopter helps it to overcome vibrations. The dashboard is basically installed in the cocktail, after which safety belts, seats etc are arranged in its interiors.
Also check out ‘A HACK A DAY’, which brings you various tips, tricks and hacks related to technology.