A witness reported the planes looked like they were attempting to land simultaneously.
Under decades of international sanctions, Iran's commercial passenger aircraft fleet has aged, with air accidents occurring regularly in recent years. (Representational Image)
The cause of the deadly collision was under investigation. But Blue said a witness reported the planes looked like they were attempting to land simultaneously.
The third fatality, 79-year-old William Lewis Lindsey of College Park, was alone in the other plane, Richards said.
Capt Jeff Richards of the Carroll County Sheriff's Office identified the deceased flight instructor as 24-year-old Taylor Nicole Stone of East Ridge, Tennessee. Her student, who also died, was identified only as a male, pending notification of his family.
The airport is located in Carrollton, about 45 miles west of Atlanta.
The single-engine planes crashed just before 11 am yesterday near the end of the lone runway at West Georgia Regional Airport, said Carroll County Fire Chief Scott Blue.
A flight instructor, her student and a third person died after two small airplanes collided in midair at a rural airport in western Georgia, where one witness told authorities the pilots may have been trying to land at the same time.
A witness reported the planes looked like they were attempting to land simultaneously.