
Mash Up Music and Percussions Bringing Alive Christmas Celebrations

Hyderabad: Every Christmas in the city gets accelerated by music teams, who blend local favours to Christmas songs in private congregations, schools and old-age homes. It is done so well that the birth Christ is explained lyrically in a melodious form.

Merlyn Salvadi’s Telugu Christmas Mash up, a team of 20 youngsters, has launched an initiative that has created a pulsating buzz, which many groups have started emulating in their own way.

During this advent they have come up with one more Mash up number ‘Mana Yesu Bethlehem lo’, which is mash up 4.0. Christmas carols and songs are played over the audio system or on YouTube by Merlyn Salvadi along with Kenny Blessy, Sandeep, Hoglah, Sajeev and other group members. Their Telugu Mash up renditions are popular among Telugu Christian families across the world.

Kenny Salvadi, who handles the production and direction for the Mash up videos explained, “The group, which was launched in 2015, spreads the Christmas message with a ministry of Cross anthem. We visit churches, fellowships, orphanages and group gatherings and sing.”

Another popular team in the twin cities is ‘Unique bhajan’, which comprises 40 youngsters, who sing carols in Telugu and Hindi with a touch of folk made jazzier by percussionists using Congo’s dole and dolaks.

Its team leader, Sanjeev Sanju, said “irrespective of the denomination, we are into this service for several years now. Three of us started the group at Ram Nagar. It has now grown bigger.”

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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