'Demon face' in woman's photo creeps out the internet
The photo has been viewed nearly one million times on the website Imgur.

A photo of a woman gone viral online has been scaring viewers ever since it was first uploaded on Imgur and later on the Reddit website. The image is of an unknown woman taking a photo in the mirror with her camera.
Can you see her? (Credit: Imgur)
At first glance, the photo appears to be ordinary enough. But if you look carefully, you can make out another woman’s face behind her left shoulder with glowing eyes and a sinister grin.
Understandably many online users were freaked out after noticing the suspicious-looking shadow in the photo.
Many Redditors admitted that the mysterious picture creeped them out. (Screen shot)
However, one can not deny the possibility that this could all very well be a catch of light or a trick of the eye.
The photo which had the caption ‘Please tell that is your shy daughter’ was viewed on Imgur nearly one million times before it was posted in a Reddit thread.