Anandaiah to make medicine for 75,000 Covid-infected in Andhra Pradesh
The district administration has lent its support by arranging a machine and material to pack the medicine in sachets

Nellore: Elaborate arrangements are being made to distribute the herbal medicine of Bonigi Anandaiah of Krishnapatnam to Covid-infected persons in Andhra Pradesh, to start with, and elsewhere later.
For those booking the medicine online, a deal was struck with the postal department and a private courier service to deliver the medicine in rural areas and urban areas respectively.
An official said on Wednesday that permission has been sought to create an E-commerce platform, with a payment gateway, to enable those booking the medicine online to pay the postal/courier charges.
The district administration has lent its support by arranging a machine and material to pack the medicine in sachets.
Anandaiah sought five days’ time to procure all the ingredients to start preparation of the concoction.
The production venue has been shifted from the garden of Anandaiah in Krishnapatnam to CVR Foundation located in Krishnapatnam Port which is equipped with a huge kitchen and space to store the raw material.
Anandaiah has plans to prepare his herbal medicine for Covid cure to 75,000 infected patients across Andhra Pradesh.
Since honey is a main ingredient in the medicine, officials have arranged a tie-up with the Girijan Cooperative Corporation to supply large quantities of honey.
Similarly, the district forest officer has been asked to help Anandaiah secure different varieties of herbs being used in his concoction.
Officials aim to supply the medicine to 15,000 Covid positive patients in Nellore district and 5,000 infected patients in each district among the balance 12 districts of the state.
In Nellore district, the services of village and ward volunteers will be used to deliver the medicine to patients across the district after obtaining the list of patients in their areas of operation.
In case of other districts, the plan is to send the medicine to the collector for distribution in the area under his purview. The idea is to prevent people from coming to Krishnapatnam or Nellore for the medicine and avoid the spread of the disease.
* E-commerce platform to pay postal charges for those booking online.
* Honey and herbs being arranged.
* Deal with postal department and a private courier service to deliver the medicine.
* Volunteers to be used for delivery to the infected in Nellore district.