5,000 fish found dead in Mahbubsagar
The fish kill raised concerns of toxic pollution.

Hyderabad: About 5,000 fish, belonging to the exotic Tilapia species that lives in the deeper parts of the fresh water bodies, were found dead at the Mahbubsagar in Sangareddy district over the weekend. The 100-acre lake is located in the centre of Sangareddy, about 50 km from Hyderabad, and the fish kill raised concerns of toxic pollution.
Officials of the Pollution Control Board who rushed to the spot said after preliminary checks, that the lake was polluted with domestic sewage, and that it was not a case of industrial pollution. “We have collected samples to look into what caused this mass kill,” said Mr Bhadra Girish, PCB environmental engineer. The lake was built in the 19th century on the lines of the Hussainsagar.
Manjeera reservoir lies 11 km from Mahbubsagar. “The fish contracted a bacterial infection due to sudden inflow of sewage and drainage. It came on top from its usual bottom rung for oxygen, but could not survive,” said Ms Sujatha, assistant director of fisheries department. The department has ordered urgent sprinkling of lime and salt to contain the bacterial growth before the other four fish varieties are affected.