Concretisation is the problem and BBMP is also party to it: T V Ramachandra
Crores are being spent on concretising areas every few kilometres. This should stop.

Q and A with T.V. Ramachandra, professor, Indian Institute of Science
Do you think the BBMP should consult its scientific department before concretising the Storm Water Drains (SWD)?
They consult their finance department more. Yesterday, they concretised the drain at Hoskarhalli. Public money is being wasted on this. We do not need more concretisation. Crores are being spent on concretising areas every few kilometres. This should stop.
Is increased concretisation also responsible for uneven rainfall?
There are other factors too, but this acts as a catalyst. The construction of glass facade buildings is responsible for emission of greenhouse gases, and this has an adverse impact on climate change. Uneven rainfall is one of the results.
You have mentioned in your research that SEZ should be moved from Bengaluru. But where should it be relocated in your view?
We can easily move it to Raichur or Belagavi, which will reduce the rush of people moving to the city and staying in slums here. This will create job opportunities in these areas and save Bengaluru from being further choked. We should have a reverse migration process as there is water shortage in the city. .
How can lakes be inter-connected?
When talks are on to link rivers, why cannot the lakes be interlinked? This is a cost-effective and people- friendly process. We cannot concretise the city any further. We have already faced floods in the city and more concretisation will only inundate it more.