I haven't changed even a bit: Radhika Kumaraswamy
After a gap of six years, actress Radhika who is now Radhika Kumaraswamy.
After a gap of six years, actress Radhika who is now Radhika Kumaraswamy, is back with her latest film Sweety. Radhika is quite anxious about people’s reaction to her film. She talks about her expectations of the film and her future plans.
You are making a comeback after six years. How does it feel?
I am very happy that I am coming back. I am very anxious to know if people will welcome me after all these years. I was missing films and acting a lot. So, I am back to acting. Lets' see how people will react.
In these six years, how much have you changed?
Frankly speaking, I haven't changed a bit. When I was a busy actress, I used to be at the set at 7 in the morning. Now I am not only a heroine but also a producer. But still I made it a point to be at sets at 7 in the morning.
There are many other heroines who have made a name for themselves in the last few years. What is the threat that you are facing?
I love competition and I strongly feel that there must be competition. If there is no competition we can't grow. But I like healthy competition. Every actor or an actress has their own image and fan following. I also have the same. So, I do films according to it and I am not afraid of anybody.
Now that you are a producer along with being an actress, how tough was it?
Earlier, when I was an actress, I used to relax while I was not acting. But now that I am a producer, I have a lot more things to deal with apart from acting. It's quite tensing and I am slowly adjusting to the new role.
Now that you are a producer, won't you act in others films?
No, I have no such reservations. I am open to acting and in fact I am looking forward to act in films produced by others. I have liked two stories and I will finalize after seeing how Sweety will fare.