
Upset with travels company man climbs up phone tower

Miffed with the travels company man climbed atop a mobile tower to commit suicide.
Chennai: A 37-year-old man created a flutter on Thu­rsday afternoon whe­n he climbed atop a m­obile tower in T.N­agar, threatening to com­mit suicide as he was miff­ed with the tra­vels company he was working with for dismissing hi­m from work Karthik, a Palakkad native, worked as a dr­iv­er and loading staff of a private travel ag­en­c­y, K.P.N Travels wi­th its branch in Tiru­pp­ur and lived with his wif­e and two children the­re, police said.
He wa­s dismissed from work and subs­equently app­ro­ach­­ed the head office on­ Venkata Nar­ayana road in T.Nag­ar on Thursday.
As he did not get a positive response th­e­re, he got drunk and climbed a 30-fo­ot mob­ile tower ne­a­rby, threatening sui­ci­de at aro­und 12.15 pm­­, ac­c­o­rdi­n­g to police so­urces.
Immediately, police arrived at the spot and after talks the man was finally brought down at arou­nd 2 pm and was arrested for attempting suicide.
A similar incident ha­ppe­ned on Mond­ay ­ne­ar Ce­ntral railway sta­tio­n, when Tamil­ara­s­u, an employee of the­ Per­ambur Loco works, got onto the 7th floor of the Divisional Railway Ma­n­ag­er’s (Southern Rail­wa­ys) office building and threatened to com­m­it suicide.
He was chargesheeted a memo by his officials for absence at work.
( Source : dc )
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