
PMK?mum, BJP hopeful on ties

PMK maintains a conspicuo­us sil­ence on its talks with BJP for an alliance for the LS polls.

Chennai: PMK’s general council meet on Thursday ma­­­in­tained a conspicuo­us sil­ence on its talks with BJP for an alliance for the Lok Sabha polls this year and released its third list of three candidates for the election.

However, this did not surprise the saffron par­ty here which claims it is optimistic of clinching the deal with the Van­ni­yar dominated party.

P­MK has so far anno­unced candidates for 10 constituencies including Krishnagiri, Arani, Vill­upuram and Puducherry. Former Union minister Anbumani Ramadoss is expected to contest from Dha­rmapuri.

The general council was expected to deliberate and anno­unce its prospective tie-up with the BJP. How­ev­er, all those who spoke in the meeting did not utter word about BJP.

A senior PMK leader said that they announced the candidates for three more seats, as the BJP did not respond to its de­mand that they be allotted seats of their choice.

“We wanted BJP to give a commitment on allotting seats of our choice. Besi­des, we also expressed our reservation on Vijay­akanth-led DMDK joining the alliance,” the lea­der said, adding that on both the issues, the BJP had not clarified its stand.

“PMK is proceeding on its own. But this does not mean everything is ov­er… We are optimistic that PMK and other two parties will join us,” says L. Ganesan, BJP national executive member.

Alre­ady two rounds of parleys have been held at the preliminary level and Vaiko’s MDMK had an­nounced its stand, he sai­d and added that PMK and DMDK will be won over.

“There is still time (for poll alliance). Ev­ery party has its own system of functioning. Th­ings will take shape after Thai 1 (Pongal day),” Ga­nesan said.

“They (PMK) have made it clear that it does not want to align with DMK or AIA­D­MK. We can infer from this,” says Van­athi Srini­vasan, state BJP secretary.

Guru dares government to arrest him once again

Chennai: PMK leader and MLA Kad­uvetti J. Guru on Thursday dared the government to arrest him ag­ain as he would continue to criticise it.

Addressing the party’s ge­neral council meeting here, Guru, released from pr­ison recently after Madras high court quashed his detention under NSA, said he would continue to criticise the state government as he was prepared to spend the rest of AIADMK’s ten­ure in prison.

The Vanniyar Sangam leader alleged that the AIADMK government crac­ked on his party leaders and cadres after Dr S. Ram­adoss came out with a slogan “We want to live and we want to rule”. He blamed the state police for Mara­kkanam violence as they failed to provide adequate security.

The general council meeting adopted 16 resolutions. One of resolutions condemned the state government for deteriorating law and order situation and power cuts.

Party founder Dr S. Ram­adoss asserted that only his party-led alliance could provide alternative to Dra­vidian parties, which had been in power for the last 47 years.

He appealed to the people to elect at least 10 candidates put up by his party for the state’s development. Youth wing chief Dr An­b­umani Ramadoss sa­id there was nothing wrong in caste politics.

( Source : dc )
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