Torrent streaming app, Popcorn Time, has shut
The pirated movie streaming service has finally shut shop

Popcorn, known for its movie streaming service, and described by Torrent Freak as ‘open source torrent streaming Netflix for pirates’ has finally shut down. Ars Technica reported that the service’s creators were ready to make the app, but didn’t want to fight for it.
Popcorn was slickly designed and had a user interface pretty similar to the popular movie streaming website, Netflix. The creators have pulled down the site, and all services related with the site. The app displayed torrent movies with visual catalogs. The moment you click on the movie, the app would start playing the stream.
Popcorn Time, on its website, has put up a goodbye banner which states, “Popcorn Time as a project is legal. We checked. Four Times.” It added, “You know what's the best thing about Popcorn Time? That tons of people agreed in unison that the movie industry has way too many ridiculous restrictions on way too many markets." “Piracy is not a people problem. It’s a service problem. A problem created by an industry that portrays innovation as a threat to their antique recipe to collect value. It seems to everyone that they just don’t care.”
In a bid goodbye, the creator, Pochoclín, stated, “Popcorn Time is shutting down today. Not because we ran out of energy, commitment, focus or allies. However, because we need to move on with our lives.”