Movie review 'Amrutham - Chandamama Lo': Is a good laughing piece
The film is overall a good laugh for the whole family, especially the kids

Cast: Srinivas Avasarala, Harish, Sivanarayana, Vasu Inturi, Suchitra and Dhanya
Director: Gunnam Gangaraju
Rating: ***
‘Amrutham’ serial was a big hit on Television and it was telecasted for more than five years. Gunnam Gangaraju is the main reason behind the success of this serial and the characters created in the serial became household names. Now, the same Gunnam Gangaraju has come up with a film ‘Amrutham Chandamamalo’, which is mostly based on the TV characters, however, the story of the film is completely different.
The story goes like this- Amrutha Rao (Srinivas) and Anjaneyulu (Harish) are good friends and start a hotel business and earn huge money. Both earned nearly Rs 2,000 crore and they got an offer from a rocket agency to go to the Moon and invest money there. So the two friends decided to go to the moon and sell off all their property as they want to invest on the Moon. Unfortunately, the rocket company suddenly collapsed due to some financial crisis and closed. The two friends had also invited a young couple who decided to run away from their respective homes and elope. The girl’s family belongs to a faction group and the boy’s father is a terrorist. In this backdrop, the two friends succeeded going to the Moon and whether they invest their money there, and what they do on Moon, forms the crux of the story.
Gunnam Gangaraju is a good filmmaker and he has proved this with some of his earlier films. Though he has come up with all kinds of stories in the serial, he decided to go ahead with this ‘Moon’ episode for the film. He has taken the same artistes who acted in the serial and added a few more to this film. The producer has obviously spared to expense for the film as they show the Moon and space episode very artistically. Gunnam Gangaraju's main purpose was to provide some entertainment and he has succeeded in that. Another good thing about the film is that is without a single vulgar dialogue or scene.
There are no superstars or top actors in this film. Gangaraju mainly banks on the story. Of the two friends, the main character Amrutham is played by Srinivas Avasarala, who does a neat job and gives you some good laughs. The other friend Anjaneyulu, is played by Harish and he too justifies his role. Sivannarayana is popular in the serial and he plays the same role in the movie as well. Vasu Inturi (server Vasu) once again succeeds in evoking laughter. Ahuti Prasad too puts in a decent performance as factionist. Dhanya and Suchitra don't have much scope, but they seem to have done their job well.
Though the director aims to make Amrutam Chandamamalo a clean comedy entertainer, the story seems a little dragged in the second half. However, it is overall a good laugh for the whole family, especially the kids.