
Android and iOS users can now embed tweets within tweets

Here’s how you can embed tweet within tweets

Mumbai: Until now if you wished to appreciate or share somebody else’s tweet, you either had to manually type out the entire tweet, or if you RT-ed (Re-Tweeted) it, there appeared a tweet on your profile under a stranger’s name.

Now, twitter allows Android and iOS users, to embed tweets within their tweets. Sounds confusing? Here’s how to go about it:

Simply choose a post you wish to share. Tap on it, and copy the embed code.

Then go to your Twitter app’s Twitter box, paste the embed code, type in what ever you have to say about the post. And Tweet!

The procedure for Android users is also the same. Only that, instead of the ‘copy embed code’ option in iPhone, Android phones have a ‘copy to clipboard’ option.

Once you copy the link to clipboard, go to your tweet box, choose the link from your clipboard, and then paste and post (like how its shown in the iOS phone)!

Although, Twitter has introduced this new feature, but we really think that this is a bit more irksome than simply re-tweeting a post. Also, when you re-tweet a tweet, your followers can only see a link under your handle, and it appears as an embedded box only once tapped on the individual tweet.

If this little extra work doesn’t bother you and you love sharing and updating posts on twitter every minute, this Twitter update’s for you! The Twitter update is available on the Play Store and the App Store.

So Tweet away!

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