
Jihadis planning 7/7 style bomb attack on Britain during Nato summit

The Nato summit will be held in Britain within the next two weeks
London: With the Nato summit just around the corner, Islamic State terrorists are reportedly planning to carry out a "spectacular" attack on Britain within the next two weeks.
UK PM David Cameron will be joined by US President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and other heads of state at the Celtic Manor golf -resort near Newport, Gwent, on September 4 and 5 to debate how the West can combat the worldwide threat from Islamic extremists, the Daily Star reports.
Kim Howells, ex Foreign Office Minister and former chairman of the Commons intelligence and security committee reportedly said it was the ideal event for IS terrorists to deliver their chilling message.
Howells said the IS liked spectaculars like their predecessors in al-Qaida, adding that the gathering of the head of the states was the biggest event and hence a sure target. However, he said that terrorists might not target the summit directly as security would be beefed up at the time.
Howell expressed fear that the IS may carry out a 7/7-style bombings like in London in 2005, which coincided with a Nato summit in Scotland , the report added.
( Source : ANI )
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