
Jayalalithaa’s assets overestimated: Ram Jethmalani

Jethmalani argued that lower court came to the conclusion without proper examination

Bengaluru: Senior Supreme Court counsel Ram Jethmalani, who is representing Ms Jayalalithaa, argued that she was entitled for bail during the pendency of an appeal against conviction.

He argued that the lower court came to the conclusion without proper examination of witnesses and evidence as per law.

“Ms Jayalalithaa in 1971 inherited several gold ornaments and other valuables, but the lower court failed to take that into account and also several aspects, including the IT returns filed by her. The investigating authorities have also erred in the estimation of her properties. Her house in Chennai is valued at a higher price, whereas it is worth just Rs 4 crore at the present rate,” he argued.

The wedding of Mr Sudhakaran was conducted at a cost of Rs 3 crore and all the financial transactions were made through cheques, he told the court.

Meanwhile, some miscreants had put up anti-Kannadiga posters in Chennai. AIADMK said the poster was put on display without its sanction.

( Source : dc correspondent )
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