Cubbon Park: More buildings, less lung space
Century Club, YMCA, Andrews Property get ownership titles cleared in violation of law to operate within park

Bengaluru: Nearly two months ago, the Upa Lokayukta was informed that at least 14 structures have come up in the Cubbon Park shrinking the major lung space in the city.
It has now come to light that of these 14 buildings, three private properties have ownership titles to operate on the park premises, which is against the law.
The buildings belonging to Century Club, The Young Men’s Christian Association and Andrews Property have allegedly got their titles cleared, though the Karnataka Government Parks (Preservation) Act of 1975 does not permit it.
Section (4)(2) of the Act states, “No land or building within the parks to which this is applicable shall be alienated by way of sale, lease, gift, exchange, mortgage or otherwise or no licence for the use of the such or building shall be granted and any alienation or license granted in contravention of this section shall be null and void.”
It seems that the titles for the buildings have been cleared violating the Act. On Monday, Upa Lokayukta Subash.B. Adi asked officials of the departments of Survey Settlement and Land Records and Horticulture to appear before him to validate the construction of these buildings.
Sources told Deccan Chronicle that during the meeting, the city surveyor informed the Upa Lokayukta that the titles were cleared in the 1970s by former Horticulture department officials and the incumbent officials did not have any role in it.
“When the Upa Lokayukta questioned how the titles could be cleared to make the private buildings legal when the Act does not allow it, the officials of both departments replied that the case could be reopened and the orders cancelled,” the source revealed.
The case has been put off till January 29 as the Prinicpal Secretary of Horticulture department is not available to take part in the proceedings.
Following a complaint by the Cubbon Park Walkers’ Association, the Upa Lokayukta had ordered a resurvey of the park.