
10 things that technology has made us forget

Has technology has changes our lives for the better?
Nobody knows better than journalists that that technology is changing the world we live in so fast that it's enough to give a person a meltdown. Remember looking up a map to figure out directions? Or using a cell phone that had actual buttons? Yeah, those days are a bit hazy for us, too. Today, now more than ever, technology makes what were once difficult tasks now as simple as clicking a button, or speaking into a device.
Here's more proof that our phones keep getting smarter but our brains keep getting dumber. Are you guilty of any of these?
1. Phone Numbers of family, friends and emergency contacts are no longer scribbled on the back of your notebook
2. Birthdays of loved ones are reminded by Facebook and now you just wish them all at once
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3. Long division, multiplication or any calculation will make you
thankful that your cell phone comes with a calculator app
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4. Most of us have not physically been to a bank, because we have an app for that!
5. Remember learning cursive writing in school? With the world going paperless texting classes is likely to be the next big thing
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6. Have you noticed your handwriting lately? Does you hand hurt after writing one or two pages?
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7. Road trips just aren't the same without getting lost or stopping to ask for directions
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8. Waiting for someone in public is no longer standing silently, looking at nothing in particular or letting your thoughts wander
9. Spellcheck, Autocorrect, Dictionary apps are on your team to tell you what's wrong with the word you typed

10. No more running to get into the picture before the timer goes off, instead use the selfie stick !

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( Source : deccan chronicle )
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