Spiciest of all workouts
Add some vigour to your exercise regime with the masala bhangra regime to bust that extra flab

Named as one of the top five workouts in the US, The Masala Bhangra workout is derived from two Indian words: Masala, which means spicy in Hindi, and Bhangra, a traditional folk dance from the northern state of Punjab. If monsoons are stopping you from heading out, and you’re looking to lose that holiday weight, try this masala bhangra workout regime.
Masala bhangra is an Indian dance based programme, designed for people of all ages and fitness levels, who love to stay physically active. The workout consists of traditional Indian dance moves set to energetic music with traditional drum beats. It’s a full body cardio workout that burns hundreds of calories. It allows you to channel your masculine side with bhangra and your feminine grace with Bollywood.
— Riddhi is a masala bhangra instructor
Gidda: Take your left leg out along with your left arm out in bhangra style. Then step with your right leg across the left with your right arm across the left arm, in bhangra style again. Repeat the same on the other side.
Hareepa: Keep your feet together and jump side to side, with arms in front of you (do this four times to your right). Repeat the move to your left with arms swinging above your head. Jump to the same side you are moving your hands.
Bhangra slide: Every masala bhangra routine begins with a bhangra slide. Step with one foot and travel forward, sliding the other foot behind. Alternate the arms with each foot. You could do this either side to side or diagonal. There are multiple variations to this move.
Dhol beat: Move to the left with four taps of the foot and the hands, as if you’re playing the drums and swing to the right with four taps of the foot again, keeping bhangra arms up in the air. Repeat.
- What makes it a perfect indoor workout? This is a perfect indoor workout because by far it is the most intense along with being the most energetic and fun workout.
- The workout is a non-stop one-hour session which provides overall toning, body conditioning and can build endurance, stamina and balance, in addition to burning up to 500 calories per class (depending on the individual). The steps are easy to follow and can be modified to the comfort level of the participant, making it accessible to all fitness levels.
- The workout is universal since every move involves movement of most parts of the body simultaneously that makes it not only challenging, but also very intense.
- Move to the beat of the dhol and unleash your inner being to a higher level.