
10 facts: PornHub reveals how porn has altered our digital lives

A research by the famous adult website has revealed more about the millennials

Though some find it disgusting, almost all of have experienced watching pornography in some way or the other. Be it in print or in the media, porn is almost everywhere today. If you remember the olden days with the only access to porn images with magazines such as Playboy and Debonair, the next came in VHS tapes and CDs. Later, when the internet became cheap, porn took to the online world with access becoming even easier. And now, porn is the easiest to avail on smartphones and tablets. Today, porn is easily accessed, and available on demand right into our bedrooms.

Pornography has altered our lives in many ways—from childhood problems to marital issues—all are affected. PornHub, one of the most accessed pornography website, carried out a research, along with Mic, to find out the penetration of porn, the access route and the impact on the millennials.

  • Most of the porn is now accessed from smartphones. The research data reveals that almost 60% of millennials are accessing adult content through their smartphones, since desktop porn access is not old-fashioned. However, there are around 33% viewers still using their desktop for pleasure.
  • More women are getting glued to porn than they accessed before. While the data states that 76% viewers are men, women make up for around 24%.
  • Most porn is viewed for just around 10 minutes. PornHub has a data record of people accessing their porn for an average of 9 minutes and 10 seconds per visitor. Some have extended to around 10 minutes and 15 seconds.
  • Monday is the highest day of the week for porn access. Sunday is the least traffic for porn access, while Monday is the highest—probably due to it being the first day of a hard working week ahead.
  • Most searched porn genre on PornHub is ‘Lesbian’. The research data reveals that the most popular search, apart from other searches, is lesbian porn. Teen and incest search rank in all the remaining four in the top 5 search list.
  • Surprisingly, incest is popular. As mentioned earlier, incest porn is highly searched amongst millennial. Though the incest porn is just role play and not real, there seems to be something interesting and exciting about the highly taboo topic.
  • Cartoon porn is rising. Silly as it sounds, but watching cartoon porn seems to be rising simply (possibly) because of the fantasy can be easily tweaked as per requirement and the hardcore pornographic content is easier and cheaper to make.
  • Fitness porn is big. Health and wellness also seems to be rising since porn stars look great and have perfect figures, (probably) influencing you into looking equally good yourself. It could also be the recent ‘yoga’ influence on the web.
  • Millennial love big butts. Surprisingly, big butt lovers seem to have increased and it is one of the popular searches that are rising.
  • Most popular porn star is Kim Kardashian. What did you expect? Her sex tape from 2007 is one of the Number 1 most-viewed on PornHub clocking more than 93 million views and counting.

( Source : deccan chronicle )
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