Movie review: In 'Lodde' nothing is right!
The best part of Lodde is its beginning which kicks off with a song

Director: S.V. Suresh
Cast: Komal Kumar, Akanksha Puri, Avinash, Shayaji Shinde
Rating: 1.5
After Bullet Basya, one more film starring comedian turned hero hits the screens this week and unfortunately even this one turns out to be another disappointment.
Despite serious attempts to revive his acting career in the lead, Komal Kumar presently seems to be in a ‘left out’ situation with no luck on his side. Even Lodde, a tribute to sahasa simha late Dr. Vishnuvardhan and to all those successful personalities who are left-handed, it does not help his present situation. In short it is nothing but a typical TV soap in the garb of movie. It is another example of ‘all gas and no perfume.’
The best part of Lodde is its beginning which kicks off with a song about all famous left-handed personalities and another song which is followed by the climax, a tribute to sahasa simha. The rest is pure boredom. The story penned by the writers has got it very confused this time while uniting two families. Wonder whether they were told to actually write it for movie or for a television mega serial!
Unfortunately more than expressing love and respect towards yesteryear’s superstars, some actors are indulging in smart act to ride on their everlasting popularity and to attract their fans. At the end of the day, it is all for the commercial purposes. The story which the director has chosen has barely any relevance with the title apart from the fact that protagonist who returns to India after decades is a left -handed, and a fan of sahasasimha Vishnuvardhan, the rest of 141 minutes is a flop circus show.
After his arrival, the protagonist is under pressure by his grandfather to take revenge against another family, which was once very close. But our peace-loving hero intends to unite the two families. Off course, there is a beautiful girl in the other family, which our hero falls in love with.
Will the two end up uniting the family? Hope it requires no answers!
The calendar girl Akanksha Puri looks beautiful but immature script and the making is the culprit here. For a true fan of sahasa simha Vishnu sir, the best way to watch Lodde is to stay awake in the beginning and after the climax for the Lodde song.