
Survey finds children feel parents don’t appreciate them

These are the results of a recent study conducted by ParentCircle

CHENNAI: Nearly 50 per cent of kids across the country feel that their parents don’t appreciate them and as much 70 per cent wanted to keep their parents happy. And many are not open with their parents on issues they are facing in school, besides lying to their parents.
These are the results of a recent study conducted by ParentCircle along with renowned research agency, IMRB International. The study was conducted among 1,352 households across nine cities and it recorded reactions from children in the age group of 10 to 18 years.
The survey states that every third child is bullied in school and 1/4th children lie about grades to parents. “In the survey we found out that more than 1/4th of children feel parents do not appreciate them. It shows how much they strive to make things happy but yet feel unappreciated. Hence, proper communication is extremely important between parents and the child and so is being sensitive” said Nalina Ramalakshmi, founder and managing director, People Circle.
R. Manoj, child psychologist, adds “Normally parents don’t have a clear cut knowledge as to whether their child is being bullied. Usually it is when there is a behavioral change or a fall in grades or a sudden deterioration in performance that they come up to us. While cross examining it is found out that the child was being bullied. It is seen that bullying threatens students’ physical and emotional safety and can negatively impact their ability to learn. “The best way is to stop it before it starts. “ he adds.
( Source : deccan chronicle )
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