
Kozhikode pet stores beckon with exotic piranhas

Piranha was introduced in India as part of illegal aquarium trade and in some states it is banned

KOZHIKODE: Piranha, the carnivorous tropical fish popularised by films like Indiana Jones in which the action hero crosses piranha and survives, is now widely available in pet shops. It is banned in several countries and also in some parts of India because it is known as the world’s most deadly fish.

Aquarium enthusiasts in the city say that even though the fish is banned in many places, it is available in the city. Due to its appearance and beauty, people prefer to keep it though it is dangerous to handle, they said.

“Piranha was introduced in India as part of illegal aquarium trade and in some states it is banned, ” said P.V. Haseeb Rahman, member of Theeradesa Social Welfare Society. Piranha is often exhibited for our aqua pet shows, but the fish is widely sold by other private agencies to individual parties.

It is mainly known for its sharp teeth and has an insatiable appetite for meat. There are around 20 species of piranha in which only five types are considered dangerous, while the remaining species are herbivores.

“I wanted an exotic fish that would do more than just swim around”, said Ajit Jayaprakash, a pet lover in the city. “They are difficult to keep because they need a lot of attention. Because of what they eat, the tank gets dirty quickly and it can get expensive. As a treat I would give them a live goldfish once a week which puts a lot of blood in the tank,” he said.

( Source : deccan chronicle )
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