Jumbo attacks again in Coimbatore district

Elephant attack injures three persons in two different incidents in Coimbatore district;

Update: 2013-12-08 14:51 GMT
Picture for representational purpose only.
CoimbatoreWild elephants injured th­r­ee persons in two different incidents in Coimbatore district in the last couple of days, forest officials said. 
They said in the first incident, Velan (34) and his wi­fe Vannamayil (28) living wi­th their nine-month ma­le baby at a tribal settleme­nt in Chinnarpathy near Aliyar dam in Pollachi tal­uk were attacked while re­turning from work on mo­torcycle Friday evening. While the bike got damaged in the attack by a single elephant near the contour canal bridge, the couple escaped by running into the forest carrying their baby. They suffered minor injuries and were admitted in Pollachi government hospital.
In another close encou­n­ter, daily wager Senthil Ku­mar (31) of LR Nagar in Me­­ttupalayam was injured in an elephant attack when walking through the village towards his farmland in Mathanari early Satur­day morning. An elephant from a herd of six charged at him and flung him to the ground. Senthil suffered bl­eeding injuries but managed to escape to farmland.

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