TN leads in AMIE enrolment

Even as the number of students who study technical education in regular colleges continues to incr­ease.;

Update: 2013-12-16 11:41 GMT
TN leads in AMIE enrolment
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Chennai: Even as the number of students who study technical education in regular colleges continues to incr­ease, over 1,500 students, mo­stly from the working cla­ss or who could not att­end regular college, take up the Associate Member of Institution of Eng­ine­ers (AMIE) examination conducted every year by the Institution of Engi­neers (India). Tamil Nadu continues to be the hub for the AMIE stream.

Pointing out that over 15,000 persons from all over India take up the ex­am to enrich their profile, chairman of the Instit­ution of Engineers (Indi­a) - TN state centre, T.M­. Gunaraja, said TN lea­ds the list of states and has over 1,500 pers­ons tak­ing up the exam every year.

“TN continues to be the hub for the e­x­am, which is tough to pass. Pe­ople fr­om states like Odisha come to Che­nn­ai to enrol in coaching cen­tres,” he sa­id.

Gunaraja said t President Pra­nab Mukh­erjee would inau­­gurate the 28th edition of the three-day Indi­an Engin­eering Congress on Dece­mber 20, in which over 1,5­00 engineers from Ind­ia and 500 from foreign co­u­ntries would take part 

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