Fab Abs
Here’s how to get rid of that extra tummy fat for that lean look this season.
After you are done with your quick-fix gizmos to get rid of tummy fat, you will realise that they leave much to be desired. Instead opt to exercise the old fashioned way. Here’s how:
Cardiovascular is a must: Opt for this routine as it not only offers benefits like increasing your stamina, heart condition and the immune system, but also helps you to burn excess fat. No matter how many crunches you do, the layer of fat above your abdominal muscles will stay put until you do a cardio workout.
- Method: Kick-start with a warm up of 5-10 minutes, then proceed to your fat burning zone (i.e. at 65-85 per cent max heart-rate) for a minimum of 20 minutes. Then drop it down to five minutes and cool off. Do this about thrice a week to see results. Total duration: 35 - 45 minutes.
- Weight lifting: For a lean frame, lift some weights and incorporate the same into your daily fitness programme. If done with proper intensity, weight lifting aids in muscle building, which, besides toning your body, stimulates your metabolism to help curb those fat-inducing calories.
- Exercise: Anatomically, the abdominal region has four important skeletal muscles (rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique and transverse abdominis), which should be trained well to flaunt flat-board abs. Try a few of those.
For rectus abdominis:
- Bicycle Motion: Of the exercises studied, the bicycle movement was determined to be the most effective at strengthening the rectus abdominis. Begin by lying flat on the ground on your back. With your hands up beside your head, lift your legs off the ground to a 45° angle. Exhale and contract the abs to lift your torso off the ground at a 45° angle as well.
Now move the legs in a pedaling motion, touching the left elbow to the right knee. Alternate and repeat. Focus on keeping the rectus abdominis contracted during the entire exercise. While doing this exercise, be certain not to pull the head towards your legs with your hands, as it will place unnecessary strain on the neck, while reducing the effectiveness of the exercise.
Exercise for transverse abdominis:
- Plank: Lie face down on the floor with your feet together. Prop your torso up on your elbows with them positioned directly underneath your shoulders or slightly in front of your shoulders. Clasp your hands together in a way that your hands and forearms forming a chevron beneath your chest. Tuck your toes under the same way you would if you were about to do a pushup. Brace your arms and shoulders for the load.
Locking your knees, extend your hips. You should now be hovering over the ground with your body weight spread between your forearms and your toes. Relax your chest and allow your shoulders to slide back into a locked position. Your body should now be in a horizontal, straight line to the ground. Hold this plank exercise position for as long as you comfortably can (typically 15-60 seconds for an untrained body). Repeat once or twice. Perform the plank exercise daily.