Take firm stand on Lanka: Jayalalithaa

Need right climate for talks: Jayalalithaa tells Manmohan Singh.

Update: 2014-01-01 11:00 GMT
Jayalalithaa with Manmohan Singh. File photo.

Chennai: In a strongly worded letter sent to the Prime Mi­nister regarding the atta­cks on TN fishermen, chief minister Jayala­lit­haa said that while state government was taking a conciliatory approach and helping to facilitate talks at the fishermen’s level, inst­ances of attack on Indian fishermen continued un­abated.

She pointed out to at least six incidents of ap­p­rehension by the Sri La­nkan Navy during Dece­mber 2013 alone.

Dem­anding that the Centre take a strong stand with the Sri Lankan government to end the attacks and arrests of Indian fis­h­ermen, chief minister Jay­a­lalithaa said, “The continuance of such att­acks and abductions will not make for a congenial atmosphere for any me­aningful talks even at the level of fishermen associations of the two countries. Hence, I would like to reiterate that the government of India must take a strong line and prevail upon the Sri La­nkan government to end such unprovoked attacks and arrests.”

In the most recent incidents, six mechanised fishing boats which went for fishing from Kottai­pattinam and Jagada­p­attinam fishing bases in Pudukottai district with 22 fishermen on board on December 28, 2013 were apprehended by the Sri La­n­­kan navy the same ni­ght. Just a few days lat­er, three motorised “Vall­ams” with 18 fishermen that set out from Pamban fishing base in Ramana­thapuram district on De­c­ember 29, 2013 were also apprehended by the Sri Lankan navy.

Jayalalithaa pointed out that state governm­ent, in an effort to keep a channel of communication open between fishermen’s associations of the two countries, had taken the initiative to have the next round of talks bet­w­een fishermen bel­on­ging to Tamil Nadu and their counterparts in Sri La­nka at Chennai on Janu­ary 20, 2014. 

“It has been reported that the government of India is agreeable to the date. However, we are awaiting a formal confirmation,” the chief minister stated in her letter.

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