Missing MH370: Iranians’ pics show signs of ‘cover-up’

CCTV footage stills shows the pair of people with identical green trousers and brown shoes

Update: 2014-03-25 06:14 GMT
Two Iranians with fake passports who boarded the lii fated MH370 Malaysian Flight | Photo Malaysian Police / AP

Kuala Lumpur: Fears of a cover-up over the fate of flight MH370 grew  after claims that a photo of two passengers was tampered with, Mail Online reported.
Images of two men who boarded the Malaysian Air-lines jet with stolen passports appear to show them having the same set of legs which gave rise to the fears, the report said.

CCTV footage stills released by officials three days after the Boeing 777-200 vanished from the skies shows the pair with identical green trousers and brown shoes which people thought was too much for a coincidence.

Their feet and shadows are also in the same position, while their faces, T-shirts and bags are different.

The photo fuelled conspiracy theories over the fate of the aircraft, which disappeared with 239 passengers and crew more than a fortnight ago.
Mail Online quoted one Twitter user tweeting — “They both have the same legs, edited or coincidence? And you guys believe our gov is not hiding anything.”

Later, according to the report, Malaysian police ad-mitted the image of one man had been placed on top of the other when they were photocopied.
But a spokesman said it was not “done with malice or to mislead”. The men – thought to be Iranian asylum-seekers – have been named as Pouria Nour

Mohammad Mehrdad, 19, and 29-year-old Delavar Seyed Mohammadreza after the flight went missing.

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