Samsung galaxy S5’s ‘Download Booster’ app removed by telecoms
Some telecom providers abroad are removing the app from Galaxy S5
Samsung Galaxy S5 comes with loads of built-in features and Download Booster is one of them. The app has the ability to boost data download speeds by combining the internet bandwidth from wireless networks and 3G or LTE. This increases the speed of downloads and you can share the data download speeds and costs between two networks.
However, some carriers or telecom companies in the US don’t want this feature eating into their costs. If a user combines these speeds, he will use up half the bandwidth from the wireless networks which are relevantly cheaper than 3G or LTE prices. Hence, to keep their users downloading from the mobile data and exhausting their limits, carriers are removing the built-in system app from the Samsung Galaxy S5.
Though this feature can be removed, third-party apps will soon feature the same capabilities and the user will be able to take advantage of the feature back again. On the other hand, developers on the XDA forums will definitely crack their way in and give users the option to install the Samsung Download Booster app back into the system. This procedure would require a rooted phone, however, the developer will come up with alternatives for locked phones so that they do not lose out on warranty.
Reports from websites such as Android Police and FierceWirelessTech confirmed the information that AT&T, Verizon and Sprint have been shipping the Samsung Galaxy S5 phones with the app removed.
All said and done, it depends if this discrimination would be of any major concerns, since most countries have data download limitations and lower data speed plans. Hopefully, Samsung steps in and does something about the operating system being infiltrated without consent.