About 30 hot air balloons will be floating around Walla Walla this weekend in Wash.
People look on as hot air balloons get ready for take off.
Organisers have put together a Saturday night "glow" that is scheduled at dusk and will display a spectacular show of color.
The fiery crash was first reported on social media after an eyewitness Nancy Johnson posted a photo of the flaming balloon on photo sharing app Instagram.
Meanwhile a hot air balloon at the Mid-Atlantic Balloon Festival in Doswell, Virginia, caught fire and crashed shortly before 8PM ET, according Virginia State Police officials.
Those afraid of heights can entertain themselves by visiting the numerous food and game stalls.
The city is holding the 40th anniversary of the balloon stampede, where visitors are welcomed to join in the festivities and even enjoy a ride in the balloons.
A couple of hot air balloons take off as approximately 20 balloon organizers inflated their balloons during the media day launch to prepare for the 40th Annual Balloon Stampede.