Ukraine’s richest man enters fray

Mr Akhmetov richest man in the country may also hold the balance of power

Update: 2014-05-18 06:12 GMT
Workers of the Ukrainian company Metinvest pose for a photo as they clear away debris in building. The initiative was taken by Rinat Akhmetov who urged workers at his factories to help police. (Photo: AP)

Mariupol: Rinat Akhmetov, a coal billionaire is the richest man in the  country and may also hold the balance of power in the region’s tensest standoff since the Cold War, the New York Times reported. Two days Mr Akhmetov had deployed his workers from his steel plant to restore order in a region torn by separatist violence. Calm appeared to return on Friday to the centre of this eastern city.

A few blocks away, at the ruins of the city police building where at least seven people died last week, retired steelworker Oleg Krivolapov welcomed Mr Akhmetov’s intervention. “He has his factories, his industries, a lot of money — he could do a lot,” said Mr Krivolapov.

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