BlackBerry to get Android-based apps from Amazon

BlackBerry’s next OS update will open up almost 200,000 apps from Amazon Store

Update: 2014-06-19 17:47 GMT
BlackBerry smartphone

"You want apps? We’ve got apps!" — is what BlackBerry has to say to its fans with regards to the next BB operating system update. BBOS 10.3 will launch this fall and BlackBerry has signed a licenced agreement with Amazon Store to pool in Android-based apps for the BlackBerry 10 devices.

If you own a BlackBerry which runs on the BBOS v10, don’t just throw it away. The presently limited BlackBerry World will now have a plethora of Android-based apps, which can be downloaded when the next version of BlackBerry OS (v10.3) is pushed out.

BlackBerry 10 device users can enjoy apps such as Groupon, Netflix, Pinterest, Candy Crush Saga, Minecraft and lots more, very soon. In short, you will be able to use two stores to download your favourite apps, which you could not have access to previously.

In addition to the greater selection of apps, you will be able to access video and music services through a number of popular third party services available through the Amazon Appstore and BlackBerry World.

BlackBerry is reportedly excited to work with Amazon to deliver the apps and content their faithful users have been looking forward to.

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