A New Zealand mother uses photography to show her daughter that the possibilities for her life are endless. These pictures are from her facebook page that she uploaded few days back. The pictures have turned many heads and have succeeded in
Holly Spring gave her daughter Violet a beautiful hope that will stay with her forever.
"Always find time to bring out the best in your kids," Spring writes on Facebook, "make it fun for them and they will reward you with the most amazing moments!"
Violet wanted to be a fairy like every other kid of her age. So her mother makes her one.
That's how these pictures came to life.
Holly Spring wants her child to feel and know that their are endless possibilities and never should she feel lonely or disheartened.
Since then Violet's fairy-tale dream came true.
'I realized I would have had no decent quality memories of her after that [possible death]," Holly Spring told in an interview.
Violet even faced life-threatening complications after her birth.
Violet, was born with only one hand and a serious bowel condition known as Hirschprung's disease.
Mom clicks amazing pictures of her physically challenged daughter