Rubble Bucket Challenge: Palestinian journalist starts new trend in war-torn Gaza

The Israel-Hamas conflict had turned more than 2,000 homes in Gaza into rubbles

Update: 2014-08-26 15:39 GMT
The trend appears to have been started by Jordanian comedian Mohammed Darwaza last Friday, and made popular by journalist Ayman al Aloul over the weekend. (Photo: Video Grab)
Gaza: As the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge continues to grab headlines and goes viral on social media, the Rubble Bucket Challenge has been launched in solidarity with those in Gaza who have lost their homes. 
The Israel-Hamas conflict had turned more than 2,000 homes in Gaza into rubbles and had displaced more than 60 thousands.  
Since the displaced population of Gaza who are living under teh scarcity of water had found an alternate option of Rubble Bucket Challenge instead of accepting ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.   
Watch Video: Rubble Bucket Challenge
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Using #RubbleBucketChallenge to raise awareness on social media, campaigners have swapped ice-and-water-filled containers for sand and rocks.
The trend appears to have been started by Jordanian comedian Mohammed Darwaza last Friday, and made popular by journalist Ayman al Aloul over the weekend. It is not clear whether Aloul and Darwaza both thought of the idea by coincidence, or if one inspired the other.
Palestinians salvage items from the rubble of the destroyed 15-story
Basha Tower, following early morning Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City, 
Tuesday. (Photo: AP)
Since its launch on Friday, the Rubble Bucket Challenge Facebook page has garnered thousands of 'likes' and shared videos of participants. On the page, activists explain their aim to “raise awareness about the war on Gaza where people are bombed inside their homes. All people are invited to accept the challenge.”
Watch Video: Rubble Bucket challenge in ?#?Gaza? by Abu Yazan and family
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