Make yourself an automatic ice bucket challenge machine

Techies around the world have put on their thinking caps to make an automated machine

Update: 2014-08-29 12:55 GMT
Ice Bucket Challenge - Image courtesy: Instructables

The ice bucket challenge is going viral ever since Satya Nadella took the challenge and passed it on to others. The challenge dares nominated participants to be filmed having a bucket of ice water poured on their heads and then nominating others to do the same. A common stipulation is that nominated participants have 24 hours to comply or forfeit by way of a charitable financial donation.

Thereafter, videos of the ice bucket challenge done by celebrities and top honchos around the world taking up the challenge.

However, the ice bucket challenge does is not restricted to the top notches. Civilians have also adopted the trend with videos of almost everyone going viral on YouTube and social networking sites.

Failed ice bucket challenges are also spotted with people either dropping the entire bucket on their heads or falling below before the bucket even goes up. Thousands of people are seen having failed attempts of the simple ice bucket challenge.

A few techies seem to take this pretty seriously and one of them (nicknamed ‘gckulo’) has been spotted building an automated ice bucket challenge machine. The machine uses an arduino as the intelligence circuit board and a few other mechanical arms and motors to do the job of tipping the bucket in time.  

Check out photos below and if you want to build it yourself, the entire do-it-yourself article link is provided at the end.



Click on this link to get the entire article on Instructables

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