If you thought you knew everything about this magnificent and diverse country India, sad to say, but you thought wrong! With all the rich cultural heritage, one often forgets that India has a rather unusual side that is mysterious and defies all
Global payments provider Visa has chosen Bengaluru as the site for its new technology centre
When God fails to answer prayers, we have heard stories where people seek other options, like praying to darker forces. Mayong in Assam, better known as the Land Of Black Magic tells of many tales of men disappearing into thin air, people being
In the Channapatna's Ramanagar district of Karnataka, there is an actual shrine to honour man's best friend. Villagers believe that the loyal and good natured Dog God works alongside the village deity.
The story of the Baba Shrine, Bandai, Rajasthan borders between supernatural and reality. This is no ordinary shrine, every year flowers and liquor bottles are offered to a motorcycle, which locals claim rode itself back to the site where the rider
Talking about 'defying gravity' this spot hidden in the Ladakh mountains is believed to have magnetic properties. Magnetic Hill has often attracted tourist because of its magnetic power that can pull a car towards itself even when the ignition is
This heritage structure in Lucknow, that is a blend of European and Arabic architecture is one monument that still baffles most architects today. Why? Because this palace defies gravity in every sense. The central arched hall that measures to about
In a small hollowed stone in the center of the Jwala Ji Temple of Kangra, burns a flame which believers say has been burning for centuries. Legend has it that the fiery tongue of the Goddess Sati, who immolated herself when her husband Lord Shiva
Welcome to the small village of Shani Shignapur in Maharashtra, where nothing is kept behind closed doors. That is because there are no doors. The people of this village have completely entrusted the safety of themselves and their homes to Shani Dev
Ram and Laxman have many things in common. There are not just identical, but also performing well in academics. (Photo: DC)
The most unusual places that actually exist in India