October is recognised as 'Breast Cancer Awareness Month' and to raise awareness about this silent killer, brands, companies and NGOs from around the world have have come up with some creative messages to make women aware of the potentially deadly
If only women paid as much attention to their breasts as men do... if only.
We also found this CD very interesting. It not only conveyed the message, but also gave a step by step guide to conducting your own home examination.
Apart from ads and billboards, some even resort to using direct mailers effectively. Like this one for example, that comes with a simple message : Losing one can be this easy.
Kohberg bread, the largest manufacturer of bread in Denmark, changed its packaging in support of The Danish Cancer Society in their big annual event to fight breast cancer.
Advertising agencies have put together ads using metaphors to depict breasts in creative ways followed with messages that say that the disease can be treated when detected earlier.
The organization that started the awareness drive, wants service groups, medical professionals, government agencies and others to help them remind women everywhere to practice regular breast self-exams and to schedule regular visits and annual
Promoting awareness involves education about prevention and treatments, fundraising efforts to help find cures, and support for survivors and those dealing directly with the disease.
These social awareness ads not only come with powerful imagery, but also strong messages like this one : Not checking status updates won't hurt you. But breast cancer can, and might even kill you. In the time you spend online, you can easily do a
Breast cancer is reportedly the second leading cause of death among women around the world. However, many people still remain ignorant of disease and also of some of the most basic self-inspection techniques that can actually help detect the cancer
Ads get creative as 'Breast Cancer Awareness' month kicks in