Android fan uses an iPhone for two weeks, gets suffocated
Die-hard Android fan, Kellex, has mixed views of being an iPhone user
There is a big difference between a fan and a die-hard fan. Similar is the case when you consider an Apple fan or Apple die-hard fan. Someone who can’t live without an iPhone is a die-hard fan. He will never use another brand for a phone.
So what happens when you are a die-hard Android fan and switch to an iPhone? Kellex, a reviewer with Droid Life, is a die-hard Android fan and went ahead to spend two weeks using an iPhone 6 for a review. In his opinion, an Android user wants to use his phone the way he wants to and not the way Apple wants you to use it. His review points out to areas where he would suffocate while using it. For instance, there is no Back button and every time you have to press is the Home button to get out of the application.
He says that an iPhone is not meant for him (a dedicated Android user). However, he does accept that an Apple iPhone is one of the finest handsets around. He states “If there are two conclusions that I can take from this experience, it’s that I now understand why millions upon millions of people want this phone each year, but also that I am still confused at the obsessive, often times obnoxious, need for all-things-Apple, especially involving the iPhone.”
Kellex further states, “The iPhone is not a status symbol. You should not stand in lines for days to own one. It’s a really good smartphone – it just isn’t the best smartphone. It certainly isn’t running the best mobile OS.”
Two weeks into completely letting go of an Android for the iPhone, he was ‘left frustrated by the intricacies of iOS 8 that differ from Android.’ He ends with “It’s obvious that Apple has created an experience that they feel is the best for everyone, except they forgot about the tinkerers of the world and those of us who want ultimate control, who want to customize a phone’s experience, and who don’t want to be told that their phone should be used a certain way.”
So what would you do if you are a die-hard Android fan? Would you go ahead and buy an iPhone 6 (even if it was cheaper) or would you want to experience it before you opt out? Read the entire in-depth review of an Apple iPhone 6 by a die-hard Android fan, Kellex.