Body exhumed in Emma case
Fernandez, 83, was Emma’s brother
Chennai: The body of Frankfurt Fernandez who died in June 2011 was exhumed from Kilpauk cemetery on Thursday by the CB-CID in connection with the ongoing Emma murder case investigations.
Fernandez’ son Immanuel who was earlier arrested by city police for forging his aunt Dr Emma’s will, and another son of his, Don Fernandez, complained that their father had also died under suspicious circumstances.
The post-mortem was conducted at the Kilpauk Garden Road cemetery in the presence of Dr Selva Kumar of Kilpauk Medical College, forensic experts and revenue officials. The forensic team took bones from the cemetery for further tests.
Fernandez, 83, was Emma’s brother. After Emma’s murder on June 13 this year and the subsequent arrest of Immanuel for forgery of her will, city police registered three cases after Emma’s death.
One was related to the murder of Emma, the second was about the suspicious death of Fernandez and the third on the authenticity of Fernandez’s will, which was in favour of Immanuel.
A case of suspicious death was registered based on a complaint filed by Immanuel’s younger brother Don Fernandez, who works in Australia and came to Chennai after his aunt Emma’s murder.
Immanuel’s other brothers are Joseph and Mark. Joseph lives in Thiruvananthapuram and Mark is settled in Australia. On September 30, the case was transferred to the CB-CID. A week later, a boy surrendered at a juvenile court, claiming that he had murdered Dr Emma for the gold she possessed.