Firms told to keep tabs on young staff

Oracle alerts firms to secure data used by younger employees on their phones

Update: 2014-10-28 02:26 GMT
Oracle has asked business organisations to secure business data from younger employees mobile devices
Mumbai: Oracle has cautioned business organisations to secure their business data from younger employees who use their own mobile devices for official work as they are more prone to losing their mobiles or have them stolen, than their senior colleagues.  Statistics compiled from new research from Oracle reveals that  71 per cent of workers aged 16-24 are using work applications on personal mobile devices and  73 per cent of them admit to having lost at least one mobile device and 52 per cent have had at least one stolen.
Device theft among 45-54 year olds is at just 20 per cent and losses at 36 per cent.
The software giant said, “In fact, it seems the 16-24 years-old category are constantly finding new and interesting ways to lose or damage a mobile device: Over 50 per cent of 16-24 year old loose their phone by spilling a drink on it or dropping the phone in the toilet and 49 per cent  have damaged a mobile dev-ice by sitting on it.
A stolen phone for a consumer, perhaps, cos-ts a few hundred dollars and the loss of treasured photos, music, etc. But for a business the pain is much greater, potentially creating a security hole in its enterprise information management strategy said Suhas Uliyar, vice-president (VP), mobile strategy, product management, Oracle.
“The solution to this challenge,” he said is not to limit mobile working, which serves only to reduce productivity, but to put in place a robust security platform. Oracle is advising bus-inesses to ensure they have in place an appr-oach to information technology (IT) and mobile application management (MAM), which gives them confidence in what data employees can access on their mobile devices.”

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