Love yogis
Osho offers a simple method of meditation to allow love to fill the atmosphere
Meditation purifies and enriches our life. It takes away from life all that is burdensome. It creates space for love and love is the ultimate nourishment for the human heart and soul.
Osho offers a simple method of meditation to allow love to fill the atmosphere. He says: “Create vibrations of love energy around you. And you will start feeling that something is happening, something in your aura is changing, something around your body is changing; a warmth is arising around your body... a warmth like deep orgasm.
You are becoming more alive. Something like sleep is disappearing. Something like awareness is arising.” A journalist asked Osho: “How can people turn falling in love into meditation?”
Osho replied: “It is the easiest way. In human life, love is the closest phenomenon to meditation. The moment you fall in love with someone, what transpires between those two who have fallen in love? They drop their egos at least for each other.
They drop their hypocrisies, their masks. That’s love. And this is a beautiful moment to change it into meditation. It’s just that nobody has ever told them this.”
Osho has often been condemned for teaching love. But it is his love for life and truth that matters most. He wants to liberate human beings from all falsities and hypocrisies and support people to live a life of love and meditation, fearlessly and courageously.
He accepts and embraces love at all levels of existence from the mundane and the physical to the metaphysical and the transcendental and turn this vital force into meditation.
Osho concludes that love helps you relax, which is a part of meditation. Love helps you to be joyous, which is a part of meditation. Love helps you, for a few moments at least, to be silent, which is an essential part of meditation.
And finally, making love, if you attain an orgasmic experience, gives you a glimpse of what meditation is, but it is millions of times more than this. The old religions have been preventing it, and they have been preventing it for a reason.
If people can transform their love into meditation, then the priests and the churches and the synagogues are no more needed, then people are totally free. Kabir, the mystic of saint of love, sings a song:
The flute of the infinite is played without ceasing and its sound is love When love renounces all limits, it reaches truth. How widely the fragrance spreads! It has no end, nothing stands in its way.
The form of this melody is bright like a million suns: incomparably sounds the veena, the vina of the notes of truth.
The writer is editor of Osho World, is the author of Osho Fragrance